It’s all about the methodology!

COTS Implementation

Decades ago, organizations often created their own large scale mission critical IT applications in house. Over time, however, these applications become more difficult and costly to maintain, since they often rely on dated technologies. More recently, public and private sector organizations have realized significant benefits from replacing, supplementing or enhancing their proprietary in-house applications with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) applications. This change promises improved functionality and reduced total cost of ownership, while allowing organizations to stay technologically current.

Some of the jurisdictions in which 21Tech has qualified as a Minority-Owned Business Enterprise, or has qualified for their master procurement contracts.

California Public Utilities Commission

Certificate type MBE

City of Los Angeles

Certificate type MBE

State of New York

Certificate type MBE

New York City

Certificate type MBE

City and County of San Francisco – Technology Marketplace

Contract Type Master IT Procurement Contract

County of San Mateo

Contract Type Master IT Procurement Contract

Database Migration and Backend Integration

Database migrations are among the most complex parts of large-scale implementations and can cause significant delays. Instead of using a "one size fits all" methodology, 21Tech has established methodologies and best practices to categorize legacy data into historical, transactional and master data components. This allows us to efficiently look at each component for specific solutions that meet the client's needs.

21Tech believes in designing scalable solutions that will accommodate future business and technology challenges. We believe in simple, elegant middleware solutions that create standardization and certainty with simple processes to on-board additional legacy and third-party solutions.